Doctor Strange film Interesting Facts You Should Know

Benedict Cumberbatch has been selected to portray the latest marvel production Superhero sorceror Supreme, aka Doctor Strange. In this first trailer footage Stephen Strange life as a neurosurgeon shown in deplorable conditions after a car accident that happened to him. This fate brings about changes in Strange, so he got to brag a little.
"I do not believe in fairy tales about the chakras or energy or power of Confidence"
Sreven portray Strange, Benedict looked unkempt hair that bergonta sometimes long and bearded. This he said before the Ancient One opened his mind about another reality. However, after opening his mind, Doctor Strange is precisely begged to be taught how.
To know in advance about the character who worked near the 60s this. Let us refer to 7 things you should know about Doctor Strange
1. Stephen Strange is not a good guy
Stephen is not a good guy, because of something that happened in his life. After passing a few good years with fellow superhero. Strange had a successful career as a neurosurgeon. When he had a car accident, which led to his 'broken' and result in he could not operate his hands as good as first. Strange tried to do everything to restore his performance, he eventually switched to the mystical arts. He became a student of The Ancient One, a powerful witch. When school finished, he found a different view and become mythical protector of the earth.
2. You with Spider-Man
Not siblings of course, but Peter Parker and Stephen Strange like have the same parents. Both are produced by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, the most successful partner in Marvel after Lee and Jack Kirby. Spider-Man and Doctor Strange is different in terms of story and character background.
3. Magic
Many of the Marvel superhero who uses science, as described in the X-Men, Hulk and so on. But Doctor Strange will change all that. As Sorcere Supreme, Doctor Strange magic in the world to focus on Marvel, and he may use all the magic that exists in the comics in the movie.
4. Have an evil rival
Doctor Strange have some list of enemies of the robbers, but the primary enemy is Baron Mordo. Schoolmate at The Ancient One, instead of learning humility as Strange, she'd tried to kill their teachers and steal secrets. Mordo has all the skills and loss of morale. Other criminals from Supreme Sorcere including Dread Dormammu.
5. Have an expression of expression
As we know, each character has an expression expression marvel like Hulk Smash Avengers assemble !, Nah !, Doctor Strange also has the expression expression "Flame on! It's clobberin 'time! By the Hoary hosts of Hoggoth! By the mystic moons of Munnopor! In the name of the Dread Dormammu! By the vapors of Valtorr! ". Sentences were often spoken by Doctor Strange. Not sure hell in the movie Doctor bakan revealed that long sentences are repeated. But unfortunately also that 'gimmick' was omitted.
6. Doctor Strange much wear accessories
A total of knowledge about literacy mystic, Doctor Strange also known as the guy with the many accessories. Not all jewelry is striking, but her makeup is equipped with a mystical artifact. Eye of gold amulets Sorcere Agamotto is Supreme. His robes of Levitation and bringing Wand of Watoomb. In his home in Greenwich Village, Sanctum Santorum, there is a crystal ball Agamotto Orb, Vishanti book, Mind Gem and countless artifacts. Her home is like inviting a lot of thieves.
7. Know Metaphysical
Doctor Strange is the first Marvel superhero who shows more about the workings of the universe. At the beginning of the story reveals itself seek immortality. Supreme Sorcere open windows on the outside of the earth and the sky and menjelajaho space metaphor, metaphysical and other dimensions. Ditko artwork depicts native places were fantastic.
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